A bit of process...


A little glimpse behind the scenes at Construct - Ben, Matt J and Kim putting together inspiration / mood boards for the Porto Montenegro brand identity project. We tend to make a mess before coming up with final solutions!

Press Pass - Verona, Italy


Construct went all the way to Verona, Italy to press pass Mulberry's fab book at Mondadori. Kim and Martin worked round the clock for 5 days checking every sheet for colour excellence. The proof is in the book itself. An amazing collection of images across 480 pages. A real insight into life inside the Mulberry camp. The book prints on Garda Matt with special uncoated pages at the rear for purely product pages on Munken Polar Rough. All images were expertly retouched to and profiled to get the max out of the stock when on press by DawkinsColour. Thanks to the team there headed by John Bodkin we have truly brought the beauty out of Venetia Dearden's wonderful images. Our favourite bit at Mondadori was the fab conveyer belts shipping books from one machine to another having their covers put on. A real willy wonka factory moment! Thanks to all the team in Italy for a really warm welcome and unwavering commitment to getting a top quality job out on time!

Higglety pigglety!


Oh such a squeaky little animal! Construct were lucky enough to spend a day with a family of pigs (and 1 little piglet in particular) art directing the tactical shoot for the Mulberry SS11 brochure!