We love Erik Spiekermann. Erik and Construct go way back, and after a chat in the studio we decided that a trip to his studio in Berlin would be the perfect chance to bring together a handful of Construct friends.

We popped over last Friday with our friends from COS, Port magazine and Folk digital agency for a letterpress workshop lead by Erik. The day completely blew us away – Erik and the team were brilliant and their passion for what they do was incredibly inspiring.

Each group produced amazing results. COS took an abstract approach, Folk and Port designed a clever antidote for tired iMac eyes and we at Construct took a poke at ourselves with one of our favourite studio quotes (it’s a long story).

After an introduction from Erik to his studio and team as well as materials and processes we were let loose to design our concepts, choose our materials and get set up to print.

Each group produced amazing results. COS took an abstract approach, Folk and Port designed a clever antidote for tired iMac eyes and we at Construct took a poke at ourselves with one of our favourite studio quotes (it’s a long story).


We’d like to give a massive thank you to Erik and his team for having us, and of course to our friends at COS, Port and Folk for coming along too!


A Weekend at Aman Venice

A weekend in Venice with our client Aman at their truly magical hotel on the Canal Grande.
A few images that simply don’t do the Aman Venice experience any sort of justice...

Arriving on the Aman launch at the Palazzo Papadopoli –
the 16th century palace that is Aman Venice

Aman Venice Palazzo Papadopoli

Frescoes on the main staircase

Aman Venice staircase

Ccocktails, or tea, in the Ballroom which annexes the bar and the dining rooms

Aman Venice Ballroom

…or enjoy playing the piano owned by Verdi in the salon

Aman Venice salon piano

…another view of the salon

Aman Venice salon

…and one of it’s views of the Canal Grande

Aman Venice Canal Grande

Graffiti in the bar left by true artist who undertook the marbling

Aman Venice marbling

…breakfast on the terrace

Aman Venice terrace

…and exquisite Murano glass in the hotel shop

Aman Venice Murano glass

Watch out!

With Regents Street on our door step there was an unusual shiftiness around the Apple store late last night with huge amounts of security outside and blacked out windows. So naturally this morning we were extra curious.

Overnight the store had transformed their windows and interior as they gear up for the launch of the much-anticipated Watch. Seeing as the Watch is not available for purchase for another two weeks the buzz around the store was extraordinary.

We'll be watching the rest of hype unfold from our studio...