Slowing Down

Three weeks ago, in Varkala, India, it was hot.

What a joy to get some film developed. The heat really did slow things down.  It took a week to find time to get to the chemists to drop of the rolls for development; another couple of days before picking them up. The grain, the colours, the excitement; no photoshop in sight.


Wild elephants swimming across a lake.

Last week, Impossible Project announced the launch of its new point and shoot polaroid camera; the I-1. This comes 84 years after Edwin Land invented polarised filters for in-camera development and founded the Polaroid Corp.  The original Instagram; 60 seconds and you had an image. 

Moore's Law, the one about the microchips getting faster; well microchip advancements have slowed down, Intel’s advancements are coming roughly every two and a half years. Tech is slowing. The Light Phone is launching; a mobile device that is regressing to the bare essentials of a mobile device. Fashion is protesting; safe production standards. Would slowing down the industry make it safer? Two seasons a year; probably more like 52 micro-seasons a year on the high street.  

Should we all just slow down a little, maybe just a tad?