Last weeks confirmation of the existence of Gravitational Waves has continued to feed the publics growing fascination of cosmology and astronomy. The latest discovery will help scientists look back to major defining events in our universe's history.

Also last week, a slightly less news worthy but equally important event contributing to our journey of discovery, is that the 18th and final mirror for the new and improved Hubble telescope (to be named James Webb Space Telescope) was successfully installed, now setting the date for launch in 2018. 

The current Hubble telescope has now been in orbit for a quarter of a century and has completely changed how we view the universe by providing us with incredible and awe-inspiring images of stars coming into existence, as well as a star's dramatic and explosive demise taking place many light years away, it has shown us distant galaxies, solar systems and much more.

Yet if the 25 year old Hubble telescope who's technology is no match to where we are today, it's incredibly exciting to imagine the images we will receive from the new James Webb Space Telescope. 

Bring on 2018!

In the meantime we are still able to enjoy images such as the below...