Our Schizographic 2


Construct were invited to submit their version of the number 2 for the exhibition 'Twenty Two',
on show at Great Western Studios, Notting Hill, London,  which launched last Thursday evening.

Screen printed on GFSmith Colorplan Pistachio A1 size in a Limited Edition of 22,
our work poses the question: Am I 'Serif Gothic' or 'F37 Bella'? Schizographic? 

The exhibition was originated and curated by agency Two Times Elliot,
with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK.


Never lose your marbles..

We created bespoke marbled papers for Carolina Bucci's new Look Book, and they were beautifully handmade by Payhembury Marbled Papers..

Celestine Eleven has launched!

We attended Celestine Eleven's fabulous launch party last week.  The beautiful new concept store in Shoreditch offers the means to live well in all spheres - aesthetically, intellectually and spiritually.  

Construct also worked on Celestine Eleven's brand identity, images coming soon...