This week we welcomed our friends from Port Magazine...

... who took over our meeting room to shoot a series of talking heads featuring celebrities, academics and the explorer Ben Saunders (ably assisted by his dog Holly) to talk about adventure, exploration and discovery for the launch of their new magazine Avaunt which will be out next month. 

Total Eclipse - Totally Missed

This morning we gathered on the rooftop of our offices in the heart of the west end. With coffees and croissants in hand, excitingly waiting for the eclipse. However, Mother Nature was not on our side and gifted us with a thick blanket of grey cloud. Whilst the sky was slightly darker than usual we unfortunately missed most of the eclipse.

But all was not lost as we discovered a hidden roof top community and we even managed to meet some of our roof top neighbours too! These pictures do not capture the full character of the home made potted roof top gardens and beautifully abstract stairwells, but we can assure you that this was a nice contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of the west end.


Fashion has always been inspired by art, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of Yves Saint Laurent taking this concept further with his Mondrian collection. 

Strong black lines and bright primary colours are used to recreate Mondrian’s paintings in the form of geometric dress shapes. 

This radical modernism made Yves Saint Laurent world-famous after only three years following the launch of his own "maison de couture”.