As Londoner’s share the stresses of the tube strike today there is a great sense of community as strangers choose to share taxis and make extra room for the people who may get left behind. But will we remeber these strangers tomorrow? Will we take the time to notice the same people who share our daily commute or the workers such as ‘Sx’ that help us get through when the trains do run on time…?

‘Sx’, a London Underground worker posts a ‘thought of the day' every single day that is failed to be appreciated by thousands of commuters consumed by their daily routines. Keep a watch out for the sweet snippet that ‘Sx’ chooses to share with us each day and appreciate the small things people choose to share with us, we never know what impact they will have or where they will take you during your day.


Inspiration is right in front of our eyes — we just have to see it. There are a multitude of details in shapes, colours and textures all around us. Those little details will turn something banal into something exceptional. Indeed fashion can be inspired by architecture, as patterns and textures can be based on nature’s wonders. So keep your eyes open.

Paper Preview

A sneak preview of an exciting collaboration we currently have in the studio. Based on the concept of intricate detail and fine craftsmanship, we'll have more images to share in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!