Guilty Pleasures

Have you discovered the school of Lifes' short films series?

Thought provoking and amusing in equal measure, the best make us face up to some uncomfortable truths and less than productive habits. This is one of my favourites:

secret thoughts: I’m so busy

The digital universe has given us the opportunity to increase our productivity exponentially however most of us fail to do so, instead finding ourselves wasting the time we had saved in pointless digital pursuits. We all have these guilty pleasures, I thought I would share some of mine!

Now back to work, I’m terribly busy don’t you know!



‘How High the moon’
Shiro Kuramata 1980


‘The Swimmers’
Halley Johnson 1934


Melissa Joy Manning
Raw Hermatite and Agate Necklace

Noteworthy notes

Walking round the studio recently there seems to be an abundance of strange post it notes.
They seem to be used as some sort of creative therapy - an outlet for frustration, compliments,
a record of something that happened and good old fashioned schoolboy humour.

I'm sure even Keats and Wordsworth would be impressed with prose like "Congrats on your face"
and "Dont touch my back.. it's how you turn me off".

Take note...